Product Experimentation Sprint

November 8-23, 2021

Instructor: Professor Karan Girotra

Teaching Assistants: TBA

📜 Course Overview

Whether you're launching a new product, implementing a new idea, or creating your own venture, you operate in areas of high uncertainty. De-risking your product or initiative with experimentation will help you avoid costly mistakes, build trust, and improve your chances for success.

In this 2-week intensive Sprint, Karan Girotra, award-winning Professor of Operations, Technology, and Information Management (OTIM) in the Johnson School at Cornell University, will show you proven frameworks that will help you gauge how successful your new launch will be.

✏️ Course Objectives

By the end of this sprint, you'll be able to:

📚 Course Materials

Note: You’ll receive access to the below the week before the sprint